Access Control Visitor Management Training



The first action the bad guy takes is to enter the building. Once inside, the horse is out of the barn so to speak. At Foley Security we believe, wholeheartedly, that preventing an unwanted intruder into the building is the first step in protecting your staff, students, and school personnel. With this in mind, we have designed an Access Control Visitor Management System geared to train and educate the first line of defense at schools.


This training will provide a protocol for access control visitor staff which will be consistent in each school throughout the district.


The training’s primary goal is when the bell rings at the front entrance, the visitor should be greeted in the same fashion and expectations should be consistent at each school. If there is an issue at this time the access control visitor management staff should be equipped to deliver a response and solution which is similar in all schools. The goal is continuity, confidence and ultimately a universal program that ensures the access control visitor staff conduct themselves in a manner approved by the district.


  • Train and review visitor management script and protocol with officers.
  • On-site coaching development training and inter-active role play.
  • Review and introduce new features of the Raptor (if applicable) system with security personnel.
  • Submit detailed report of findings and observations of training.
  • Compliance Inspection Visits and Reporting.



A well-trained security team will ensure that only people who are supposed to be inside the building are allowed entry. However, that is only the first step of the security equation. Security and staff should also be trained on emergency response, active shooter, and de-escalation techniques. In today’s society, it doesn’t take a village to keep our children safe, it takes the whole country. FSS is doing its part to give everyone the training that may save a life.